Hotel Bikes

Hotel Bikes from Copenhagen Bicycles

We are Copenhagen’s most experienced hotel bike company. We have rented out bikes for Copenhagen’s hotels since 2005. Our competitors are copying us and we are proud to set the standard. We have – without question – the highest quality in hotel bikes and service. We are committed to ESG. By working with Copenhagen Bicycles as your hotel bike partner, you are secured a supplier that you can trust in every aspect. Vi are the definitely most sustainable in the business and we have a collective agreement.

Best Quality in Town

Copenhagen Bicycles is your preferred hotel bicycle supplier. We were the first to deliver hotel bikes in Copenhagen and despite covid19, we are still here.

We are (as far as we know) the only supplier of hotel bikes with a collective agreement and we only have satisfied hotel partners.

By having us as your hotel bike supplier, you can be sure that the product, service and company are the best in the business.

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Hotel Bikes from Copenhagen Bicycles

Copenhagen Bicycles was the first bike rental in Copenhagen. We have more than 20 years of experience – and despite competitors who are trying to dump the market, we are still here.

Copenhagen Bicycles are the only hotel bike supplier with a collective agreement and good employee relations. We have designed our own bikes to secure the best possible quality and we get high end bikes from the well known and famous bike brand Pilen.

We buy new bikes for the hotels every second or third year to ensure the best quality for the hotel guests. We can change the bikes this often because we repurpose the bikes for other projects like group bike rentals, giving them a longer service life.

The bikes are designed by ourself specifically with tourists in mind. That makes them durable even when several different people ride them every day for years – without the bikes becoming unsafe to use.

Contact us to hear more and to get our reference list –