Sustainable focus
We are Copenhagen’s definitely most experienced hotel bike company. We have rented out bikes for Copenhagen’s hotels since 2005. Our competitors are copying us and we are proud to set the standard. We also rent out bikes for groups and we sell our used bikes. Our focus is on good experiences, sustainability, inclusion, and diversity.
Our bikes are a combination of our own design and branded bikes from Pilen. They are all made to last forever (or, at least for a very, very long time) – because we believe in good quality and sustainability. When our bikes have become a bit worn in appearance, we sell them even though they work perfectly.

Business Prize
In 2018 we won the “Copenhagen Business Prize”. The reason? “The bicycle rental company Copenhagen Bicycles ApS won the category “Attractive City” to create sustainable tourism in Copenhagen. The company solves transport issues around the city in a simple and sustainable way and is good at forming partnerships and cooperating with others. Copenhagen Bicycles has a good model and possibility to scale to other Danish cities as well as internationally. With 2,500 bicycles, Copenhagen Bicycles provides bicycle rental services to Copenhagen hotels and thereby meets many of the city’s guests staying at the hotels and in the company’s physical shop in Nyhavn.”
Further information
Copenhagen Bicycles is owned by Yael Bassan. She is born in 1990 and 3rd generation Copenhagener. She inherited the company by her father Gili Bassan who died suddenly in 2015. She has hired her boyfriend Thorbjörn so they run the administration together.
The company has worked with all kinds of bike relations like hotel bikes, rental bikes, group bike rentals, app based bikes, bike sale, bike repairs, guided tours and even segway tours. We have had two shops (Nyhavn and Central Station) with workshops and bike rental. During covid19, Yael had the chance to find out what was actually important in life and together with her two leading mechanics, she found out that the good life is not to have a shops but to work on our own premises. She closed the shop, decreased the company and stuck to the best part: Hotel bikes and group tours. Since, she has hired her boyfriend Thorbjörn as her administrative partner and now, it is a family business again. You can read more here.
The team includes around 7 full time workers from all over the world. The ones who have worked for the longest time in the company (beside the owner) have been employed since 2016.
Copenhagen Bicycles employs mostly non-Danes and people on the edge of the labour market. We teach the employees Danish and about the Danish society and labour market.
If you like to hear more about us feel free to contact us